Friday, April 17, 2009

this time last week.

Edit:  Today I was asked to provide a little explanation for this photo...apparently pictures are not worth 1,000 words. 

This time last week I was home for the easter long weekend.  My family sent me around the house looking for an egg they hid for me and it turned out to be baked into this loaf from the local bakery. very. funny.  im pretty sure they were mocking me cuz my friends and i had an easter egg hunt and technically we're not six years old anymore.  It tasted ok, as you'd expect (had to refrain from writing eggspect - didnt work).  i mostly just posted it because i found it pretty.  cheerio! nas


  1. I particularly enjoy the pouring action of the milk into the coffee that you managed to capture...Well done, cheerio.

  2. its a strraaaaange magic..... have fun in bc love, cheerio! (lets bring it back..)
